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Sustainable finance disclosure regulation

SEB Life International is required to disclose how we integrate sustainability risks into our investment decision making process. Sustainability risk is defined as an “environmental, social or governance event that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential negative material impact on the value of the investment”.

SEB Life International does not have any involvement in the investment decisions made within our insurance products and do not offer investment advice to our policyholders.

SEB Life International offers an open architecture structure where our policy holders, or their appointed financial advisors are allowed to dictate the investment decisions and set their own investment strategies within the insurance.

Policyholders are allowed to appoint one of our approved regulated asset managers or investment advisors to manage their policy investments. This can range between a discretionary portfolio mandate and an investment advisory service. To understand how sustainability risk is integrated into these managed strategies or mandates, policyholders advised to contact their appointed financial advisor or when this is restricted due to the terms and conditions that they get in touch with their insurance advisor or SEB Life for further information.

Since SEB Life is part of the SEB Group and our largest business partner is SEB Private Banking who offer both discretionary and advisory mandates. Directly owned assets within both these discretionary and advisory mandates are analysed by assessing the asset’s exposure to Sustainability Risks and the Transmission Channels that could lead to such risks. The analysis is built on both in-house capacity as well as external providers of data and analysis.

Due to the above, SEB Life International is not required and currently does not integrate sustainability risk into its asset approval process. Policyholders should contact their financial advisor where permitted by the policy conditions, or insurance advisor or provider to understand how sustainability risk is integrated into their investment policies.